Today I was off at work so I was planning to cook sweet potatoes for Melanie again. But I received a call late in the afternoon asking me if I wanted to pick up a shift. Who doesn't need a little extra money, right? I accepted and I didn't have time to cook. Oh well... I decided to feed her Avocado! No cooking necessary and according to, avocado contains 13 vitamins that the body absolutely needs: vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and folate). And it's a really good source of good fat!
In Brazil we eat avocado with sugar and in smoothies. But when I came to USA and I started having avocados in salads and sandwiches I loved it too! And as close to Mexico as I am, I really enjoy guacamole!
I know avocado is slippery and hard to get a grip of, but at the same time I didn't want to spoon feed her. For that reason I tried a mesh feeder. She loved the avocado, but she had a hard time with her motor skills handling the mesh feeder and she got kind of frustrated. So I tried just cutting a strip of the fruit with the skin and giving it to her, and that went better in the beginning. But as she ate it, the slippery mess started again.
Although today's feeding didn't go as well as I planned, I am glad that she liked the avocado. She didn't make any faces and the really gummed the mesh feeder. Now, giving a feedback to myself... I have to be more patient and keep my hands out of the situation. I think I am intervening too much... anxious person, you know?
After years of being a nanny, baby sitter, feeding other parent's babies with a spoon, it's hard to keep my hands to myself and let Melanie lead the way.
After all this mess, I went to work and daddy stayed home in charge of the clean-up ;)
See you next time,
Ai meu Deus, essa minha sobrinha é a coisa mais linda desse mundo. Tô preto de saudade. Será que vai ser comiloninha que nem o tio? UHAUHAUHAAUHAUHAUHAUHAAUHA